PPC EPC Story – Updated May 2022
The narrative of Princeton Presbyterian Church began historically in 1854. The church was a part of the PCUS and, in 1983, was part of the merger of two Presbyterian denominations that became the PCUSA. For the purposes of this narrative, our latest journey began in October 2012 when we left the PCUSA and began a new journey in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). The reasons for this move varied, but at its foundation was our position on the authority of Scripture and its interpretation on the issues of sexuality, Israel, sanctity of life, and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We believe that one’s view on the authority of Scripture deeply affects how one interprets all the issues of our time.
After a two year discernment period, our congregation voted to seek dismissal from the PCUSA and was received into the EPC. Our journey since then has been toward unity in the church and learning what it means to be part of a denomination that values most deeply the authority of Scripture. Such value is reflected in the opening paragraph of the Essentials of Faith in the EPC:
All Scripture is self-attesting and being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life. The infallible Word of God, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is a complete and unified witness to God’s redemptive acts culminating in the incarnation of the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible, uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the supreme and final authority on all matters on which it speaks. On this sure foundation we affirm these additional essentials of our faith.
In light of this brief history, we have adopted a vision statement that we hope reflects our history and our view into the future. Our statement, “Living God’s Word to Make Disciples”, incorporates our view on the authority of Scripture and the desire to live in obedience to God’s Word. Living God’s Truth is critical to our success and effectiveness in fulfilling God’s call to make disciples (Matthew 28.19-20). “Living God’s Word” affirms that we are seeking to grow in faithful discipleship ourselves and not just seeking to get to heaven, but to live daily as a people who witness to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This witness comes through words and actions that bring glory to God and not to ourselves. “To Make Disciples” is part of that obedience to Jesus’ commandments and a product of being transformed by the renewal of our minds and practicing faithful discipleship ourselves. This reference to renewal and discipleship, reflected in Romans 12.1-2, speaks to our desire to live out God’s Word through His grace and love as living sacrifices (discipleship) and discerning His will (to make disciples).
Our hope is to expand the kingdom of God by leading non-believers to Jesus Christ and providing discipleship training to those who choose to join our fellowship at PPC. Certainly our hope is to grow our church in numbers, but more so, to grow God's Kingdom and to grow in devotion and maturity in Christ so that all who come in contact with His followers will be drawn to Jesus.
We hope to build an effective discipleship model for new converts to the faith. We desire to focus on relationships rather than programs. We seek to become a more prayerful people, to revitalize our congregation, and be more involved in our neighborhoods and community. We are grateful to God for our journey together and hope to involve more people in the work of God’s mission.