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Princeton Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr.
Ed Pettus
Louise Crouse
Director of Music and Choir
Robin Martin
Newsletter Articles
Newsletter Articles 2024
Newsletter Articles 2023
About Us
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Our Beliefs
Audio Worship, 3/2/2025. "God's Purposes Fulfilled" Genesis 11.1-9
Audio Worship 2/23/2025, "God's Gracious Covenant" Genesis 9.1-17
Audio Worship 2/16/2-25, "Sin and Grace", Genesis 4.1-16
Audio Worship 2/9/2025, "From the Dust In the Image of God" Genesis 3.8-24
Audio Worship, 2/2/2025, "Eyes Opened" Genesis 3.1-7
Audio Worship, 1/26/2025, "Making Woman" Genesis 2.15-25
Audio Worship, 1/19/2025, "Forming Man" Genesis 2.1-14
Audio Worship, 1/12/2025, "The Sixth Day", Genesis 1.26-31
Audio Worship, 1-5-2025, "God's Creation Order" Genesis 1.1-25
Audio Worship 12/29/2024, "People of God" Isaiah 43.14-21
Audio Worship, 12/22/2024, "The God Who Comes" Revelation 1.1-8
Audio Worship, 12/15/2024, "The Promised Second Advent" Matthew 24.1-31
Audio Worship, 12/8/2024, "The Promised Advent" Isaiah 7.10-16; Luke 1.26-38
Audio Worship, 12/1/2024, Guest Speaker Ed Bennett
Audio Worship, 11/24/2024, "Give Thanks to God" Romans 14.1-9
Audio Worship, 11/17/2024, "The Wrath of God" Romans 1.18-32
Audio Worship, 11/10/2024, "Not Ashamed" Romans 1.16-17
Audio Worship 11/3/2024 "Obedience of Faith" Romans 1.1-6
Audio Worship, 10/20/2024, "Clinging to God's Word" Psalm 119.25-32
Audio Worship, 10/6/2024, "The Gift of God's Word", Malachi 3.1-5; 4.1-6
Audio Worship, 9/29/2024, "On The Day..." Zechariah 9.9-17
Audio Worship, 9/22/2024, "The Lord's Work" Haggai 2.1-9
Audio Worship 9/15/2024, "God in Our Midst" Zephaniah 3.14-20
Audio worship, 8/9/2024, "Joy in the Lord", Habakkuk 3.17-19
Audio Worship, 9/1/2024, "The God of Good News", Nahum 1.1-15
Audio Worship, 8/25/2024, "The Grace Filled Character of God" Micah 1.1-7; 6.6-8; 7.18-20
Audio Worship 8/18/2024 "Repentance That Leads to Redemption" Jonah 3.1-5
Audio Worship, 8/11/1024, "Hope in God's Kingdom" Obadiah 1.10-15
Audio Worship, 8/4/2024, "What Shall We Seek?" Amos 5.1-24
Audio Worship, 7/28/2024, "I Will Pour Out My Spirit" Joel 2.28-32
Audio Worship, 7/21/2024, "The Prophetic Desire" Hosea 6.1-6
Audio Worship, 7/7/2024 "To the Glory of God Alone" Ephesians 3.14-21
Audio Worship 6/30/2024, "Grace Alone" Titus 2.11-15
Audio Worship, 6/23/2024, "Faith Alone" 1 Peter 1.3-9
Audio Worship 6/16/2024, "Christ Alone" John 14.1-7
Audio Worship 6/9/2024, "Scripture Alone" , Psalm 119.105-112
Audio Worship 6/2/2024, "The 'P' of TULIP" John 10.22-30
Audio Worship 5/26/2024, "The 'I' of TULIP" Romans 9.14-26
Audio Worship 5/19/2024, "The 'L' of TULIP", 1 Corinthians 1.26-31
Audio Worship, 5/12/2024, "The U of TULIP" John 15.12-17
Audio Worship, 5/5/2024, "The 'T' of TULIP" Ephesians 2.1-10
Audio Worship, 4/24/2024, "The Lord's Prayer", John 17.1-26
Audio Worship, 4/21/2024, "Ample Bread - Abundant Forgiveness" Matthew 6.9-15, 25-34
Audio Worship 4/14/2024. "Your Kingdom Come" Luke 11.1-4
Audio Worship, 4/7/2024, "Hallowed Be Your Name" Matthew 6.5-15
Audio Worship 3/31/2024, "Easter: A Mix of Fear and Joy" Matthew 28.1-10
Audio Worship 3/24/2024, "Living Faithfully" Hebrews 11.1-3; 12.1-3
Audio Worship, 3/17/2024. "That Which Jesus Commands" Luke 4.16-30
Audio Worship 3/10/2024, "Come, Lord Jesus!" Revelation 22.6-21
Audio Worship 3/3/2024 "The True Church" Acts 2.41-47
Audio Worship, 2/25/2024. "No Other Name" Romans 5.1-21
Audio Worship 2/18/2024, "The Holy Spirit" 1 Corinthians 2.1-16
Audio Worship 2/11/2024, "Our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ" 1 Corinthians 15.1-11
Audio Worship 2/4/2024 "Our Sovereign God" 1 Timothy 6.3-16
Audio Worship 1/28/2024 "The Authority of Scripture" 2 Timothy 3.1-17
1/21/2024 Worship canceled due to weather conditions!
Audio Worship 1/14/2024 "To Make Disciples" Matthew 28.16-20
Audio Worship 1/7/2024, "Living God's Word" John 8.28-38
Audio Worship 12/31/2023, "A New Creation" Revelation 21.1-8
Audio Worship 12/24/2023 "Advent Joy" Luke 2.1-20
Audio Worship, 12/17/2023, "Advent Readiness" Matthew 24.36-44
Audio Worship 12/10/2023, "The Clothing of Advent" Romans 13.11-14
Audio Worship 12/3/2023 "A Vision of Advent" Isaiah 2.1-5
Audio Worship 11/26/2023 "The Eleventh Commandment" Guest Speaker Ed Bennett
Audio Worship 11/19/2023 "Gratitude" Psalm 104
Audio Worship 11/12/2023 "You Are Mine" Isaiah 43.1
Audio Worship 11/5/2023, "Spiritual Formation: The Children of Light" Ephesians 5.8-21
Audio Worship 10/29/2023, "Spiritual Formation: Transforming the Soul: Deuteronomy 4.1-14
Audio Worship 10/22/2023, "Spiritual Formation: Transforming Our Relationships" Romans 12.3-21
Audio Worship, 10/15/2023, "Spiritual Formation: Transforming the Body" Romans 8.1-17
Audio Worship 10/8/2023 "Spiritual Formation: Transforming Our Will" Hebrews 12.11-2
Audio Worship, 10/1/2023 "Spiritual Formation: Transforming Our Feelings" Galatians 5.13-26
Audio Worship 9/24/2023 "Spiritual Formation: Transforming Our Thoughts" Colossians 3.1-17
Audio Worship 9/17/2023 "Full Restoration" Jeremiah 33.1-16
Audio Worship 9/10/2023 "A New Covenant" Jeremiah 31.31-34
Audio Worship "Let Him Who Boasts..." Jeremiah 9.23-24
Audio Worship "A Heart for Covenant" Deuteronomy 6.4-9
Audio Worship "A Heart for the Kingdom" Ephesians 4.25-5.2
Audio Worship "Have You No Shame?" Jeremiah 6.13-15
Audio Worship "Hope! Always Hope!" Jeremiah 5.10-31
Audio Worship "Two Evils" Jeremiah 2.1-13
Audio Worship "God With Us" Jeremiah 1.1-10
Audio Worship "Contend For the Faith" Jude 1-25
Audio Worship "Finding Jesus" Acts 17.16-34
Audio Worship "Words of Encouragement" Acts 13.14b-43
Audio Worship "The Gospel" Acts 10.34-43
Audio Worship "No Other Name" Acts 4.5-12
Audio Worship "Repent Therefore, and Turn Back" Acts 3.12-26
Audio Worship "My Witnesses" Acts 1.1-11
Audio Worship "Breath, Wind, Spirit" Acts 2.1-21
Audio Worship "To Make Disciples" Matthew 28.16-20
Audio Worship 5/14/2023 "Living God's Word" John 15.1-17
Audio Worship 5/07/2023 "Woe To Those Who..." Isaiah 5.1-24
Audio Worship 4/30/2023 "What Is Good" Micah 6.1-8
Audio Worship 4/23/2023 "A Life Befitting Repentance" Acts 26.12-23
Audio Worship 4/16/2023 "Burning Hearts" Luke 24.13-35
Audio Worship 4/09/2023 "Newness of Life" Romans 6.3-14
Audio Worship 4/02/2023 "Hosanna! Save Us!" Matthew 21.1-11
Audio Worship "The End of the Matter" Ecclesiastes 12.9-14
Audio Worship "The Gift of Life" Ecclesiastes 11.1-6
Audio Worship "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry" Ecclesiastes 9.1-12
Audio Worship "He Who Pleases God" Ecclesiastes 7.1-25
Audio Worship "Prayerful" Ecclesiastes 5.1-7
Audio Worship "What Is Seen and Unseen" Ecclesiastes 4.1-16
Audio Worship "God's Gift of Time" Ecclesiastes 3.1-22
Audio Worship "All Is Vanity" Ecclesiastes 1.1-11
Scripture Reflections
Audio Worship, 12/1/2024, Guest Speaker Ed Bennett
Click here for audio worship.